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  2. Voronezh supermarket chains out of food supplies after a heavy snowfall

Voronezh supermarket chains out of food supplies after a heavy snowfall

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After a severe snowfall, Voronezh supermarket chains ran out of food supplies, as reported by the local VGTRK branch on December 14. 

Voronezh residents noticed a lack of bread and milk in popular supermarket chains such as 'Pyaterochka,' 'Dobriy,' and 'Magnit' on the evening of December 13, and some products were still missing on the morning of December 14.

According to 'Vesti Voronezh,' shelves with chicken and frozen products have been emptied. Supermarket employees informed journalists that while there is food in the warehouse, trucks from other districts of Voronezh Oblast cannot reach the shops due to the heavy snowfall and snow-covered routes.

The city has been experiencing a powerful snowfall for the past few days, leading to snow drifts reaching about half a meter. Frustrated with the actions of municipal services, many citizens have formed groups to clear the snow themselves.

Tragically, one man lost his life while attempting to dig out his car, providing space for an ambulance to pass.


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